Vertical Values
Since 2013, our mission has been To immerse students in a Kingdom mindset; cultivating and inspiring future leaders towards purposeful living.
You have an important role to play in building God’s Kingdom. God desires to use you right now – your age and current ability are strengths, not excuses. God wants to do immeasurably more through you than you could ask or imagine. Work is worship. If it isn’t, something isn’t right.
Students at Vertical Immersive learn to view their professional endeavors as parts of a larger mission, integrating faith with vocational pursuits in a way that teaches them to see work as an act of worship.
The Vertical Life
Live purposefully rooted in faith that honors the Lord
Have a servant’s heart of generosity and excellence
Pursue creativity, innovation, and growth
Be transformative storytellers who bring people to an abundant life in Christ
Achieve immeasurably more according to His power at work within us
Discover who you truly are.
In today’s world, so many young adults feel lost, uncertain about their future, or their purpose in life. Many people consider the college years to be a crucial time for self-discovery, and we agree. Watch this video produced by one of our graduates, Will W., who shares his story of transformation during his time at Vertical Immersive.
All programs offered by Vertical Immersive focus on the development of:
Servant leadership
Critical decision making skills
Being independently motivated
Relational/Service orientation over transactional
Time management
Emotional intelligence
Interpersonal skills
Students in the Vertical Immersive program complete Kaleo Disciple Training, offered in partnership with Wayfinders, building fellowship with each other and developing their spiritual life. This training helps students discover who they are, and how, by learning to live more and more like Christ, they can positively impact their families and communities in powerful ways.
Vertically align your life with God and fully immerse into the life you want
At Vertical Immersive you’ll be prepared to influence people around the world in the spaces of business, ministry, and missions. Our unique experience prepares you for the real world in ways that other educational settings simply can’t. If you’re yearning for something extraordinary and different, take a look at life through the lens of our hands-on approach to learning.