Basecamp for high school
Immersive learning electives for high school students
The Basecamp program provides options for students looking for immersive learning electives to complement their high school curriculum. The focus of many of our facilitated classes will be around our core competencies of business, marketing, and entrepreneurship, and we may offer other traditional courses from time to time depending on the needs of the homeschool community.
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Updated Course list Coming Fall 2025
Below are our Fall 2024 Basecamp Courses.
C.S. Lewis Literature Studies
This course focuses on chosen books, both fiction and nonfiction, written by C.S Lewis. During the course, students read this set of books and discuss the author’s vision when he wrote the books, the principles and themes found in each book, the links between the author’s life and the stories, and their enduring theological and life applications (Instructor Curated).
Business Math
It is not too early to gain a better understanding of money and finance. Business math is for the student who wants to fully understand both personal and business finance. This is the class that brings all kinds of real-world applications to math. And it will be taught with extraordinary consideration of biblical stewardship.
Understanding the Times
Understanding the Times offers a fascinating, comprehensive look at how the tenets of the Christian worldview compares with five major competing worldviews of our day: Islam, Secularism, Marxism, New Spirituality, and Postmodernism. Students are introduced to the battle of ideas, then to each of the competing worldviews. After that, students are carefully guides disciplines that are most influenced by these worldviews. The course provides a systematic way for students to understand the ideas that rule our world.
Intro to Immersive Electives
This is a sampling of what Vertical Immersive teaches in our Pathways Program: This year long course will be divided into 3 parts to discuss the potential career path of Entrepreneurship, Business (Marketing/ Digital Media), and Ministry/Missions.
US Government and Constitutional Studies
Our government is complex, and few students take the time to learn how this institution functions. This course begins with the foundational principles of government, surveys the various types of government, and traces the significant people, events and documents which were part of the American political heritage leading up to the creation of the United States of America. The course follows an article-by-article study of the Constitution and covers methods of Constitutional interpretation.

Basecamp classes are 70 minutes long and take place on the Vertical Immersive campus. Whether students take one class or all 5 classes, they are welcome to use the Vertical Immersive building for the entire day. We want students to interact with peers as well as use the quiet zones for study hall purposes. The building is open from 8:15am – 4:15pm.
Fall 2025 Semester
Class dates and pricing TBD