Immersive Programs

Vertical’s Focus on Business, Marketing, Entrepreneurship

There are a thousands of education options available in the marketplace and many are great options for different fields of study. For a student that wants to learn about how small business works and become an expert craftsman in specific areas of marketing, such as social media, digital storytelling and audio/video creation, there’s no better place than Vertical Immersive!

Foundations - 2 Year Certificate Program

Year 1

Fall Semester Hours: (16 hours a week)

Spring Semester Hours: (21 hours a week)

Learning topics

Year 2

Fall & Spring Semester Hours: (30-32 hours a week)

Work Topics

Learning Topics

Pathways - 3rd Year choices


Students will go into an incubator program where they will start up and grow a real company with the goal of having a sustainable income by the time they graduate.


Students will be placed in 1 or 2 advanced apprenticeships over a year into an area of interest and position them for permanent hiring.


Students will choose a church ministry pathway and apprentice at a church for a year, applying their Foundations knowledge in that context or a Business as Ministry or Missions (BAM) setting to prepare them for full-time work in missions with a business context.


Our new Basecamp program provide options for students looking for immersive learning electives to complement their high school curriculum. The focus of many of our facilitated classes will be around our core competencies of business, marketing and entrepreneurship, however, we may also offer other traditional courses from time to time depending on the needs of the homeschool community. To learn more about Basecamp, please start by filling out our survey so we can learn more about your needs. We will then reach out with additional information as our electives become Available.

K-12 Workshops

Fully Known

Most students would say they are not sure what they they should do for their first profession out of high school. There is a lot of pressure to “figure out” which career they
should move towards right away, however, for many that still seems like an illusive challenge. Worse yet there is an innate desire for students to find their calling and they
are not sure where to start. At Vertical Immersive, our Foundations program has built in curriculum to help students understand how they are uniquely wired by God. We
believe calling is more about how you are made by God to do great works within your time, talents and treasure instead of a specific work you are called to do.
This process starts with our Fully Known 1 day workshop where students will begin the process to be “fully known” to themselves. This time of discovery helps students to craft a healthy view of how they thrive and the journey towards understanding what God has in store for them. It also takes the pressure off having all the answers right away.

Maker’s Market Prep Days

There are Maker’s markets for homeschool community students to participate in around Indianapolis. Vertical Immersive supports these creative endeavors that grow young entrepreneurs through workshop days on campus where we help students refine and hone in their ideas as well as polish their presentation and booth set up. If you’d like more information on joining a Maker’s market around Indianapolis or to find out dates for our Prep days, please let us know here.

Etiquette & Table Manners

Learn how to excel in formal social settings that include a meal. Students will develop their skills in eye contact, body language, proper engagement of conversation how to navigate a formal dining set up. These workshops are designed to be fun and anxiety free to help students break through the perceived barriers of certain social settings that might otherwise feel awkward. Please sign up for our email distribution to receive updated on upcoming dates.


Vertical Immersive partners with Indiana Cotillion to bring students a fully immersive 6 weeks experience where students will learn the basics of ballroom dancing with formal etiquette and manners. Boys will learn to be gentlemen and the art of chivalry. Girls will learn to be ladies and carry themselves with high esteem. Please sign up for our email distribution to receive updated on upcoming dates.